Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Thapki Pyar Ki

Thapki Pyaar Ki

Drama soap opera transmitted to TV via Ristey Sky Channel in United Kingdom

A Critical Review

In my view, Thapki Pyaar Ki, the TV series, fails miserably as a dramatic soap opera.For entertainment value, from a scale of 1 to 10 points, I would give 4 points. Truthfully, I am being quite generous over here. But, a draconian measure is paramount in this review. It really pains me to give such a low mark. Episode by episode it is getting worse and worse. It really does not entertain. It creates a feeling of nausea, annoyance, anger, frustration and disgust while watching the individual episode. It has a draining effect on the rationality and well- being of viewers. It continually evokes a plethora of rational questions. I continued to watch the series, clinging to the belief that there would be some improvement. Sadly, improvement did not prevail at all. The episodes remained boring and tendentious. The only positive thing I can say is that I like the actors and specially the goat, Rampiari. The events taking place at Thapki’s parents’ house are trivial, childish, laughable and unblelievable. In fact, they are stultifying and insulting. Such cheap trivia should not be shown on television. All in all, the serial is an utter time waster.

The story

Normally, a story constitutes multiple events, locations and interactions of various characters. For a story to be good, its events must be believable to the audience. Unbelieveable events presented, whether in fictitious or factual stories, are the cause of anger, disappointment and frustration among viewers. For instance, the event showing the defibrillation of Thapki in the hospital is pathetic, false and unbelievable and an insult to the medical critical care team of any hospital in the whole wide world. What is nauseating and disbelieving is that Thapki’s husband grabbed the defibrillator paddles and gave the electric shock. Miraculously, this defibrillation was successful. He is an ordinary man, not a doctor. How did he know about the procedure for defibrillation?? Defibrillation is performed only by specialist health care professionals. Thapki came back to life and later stammeringly walked out of the hospital whilst still under observation in the emergency room. This is very unconventional. A hospital would never dream of allowing such practice. Thapki had a cardiac arrest. At this moment, the cardiac arrest team was not summoned and not present, except a doctor and a nurse. This is not a believable representation of reality, but a travesty and a deceitful load of caricature. The script writer should have done a proper research on hospital procedure for defibrillation. In addition, admission to hospital with an overdose is a police matter. It is quite noticeable that police was not involved at all. It is questionable as to why Bihan was taking Thapki in his arms to the hospital. Surely, he could have phoned for an ambulance or taxi as a normal person would do in a real life situation. Thapki was unconscious from the effect of the rat poison. She needed emergency care. There are several unbelievable events in many of the episodes which affect rationality. The story appears to make a link with stoicism, truth and fatalism, but sadly with a very weak and perfunctory effort.

Direction and filming

There are several scenes in which the actors’ movements are slowed down in their actions. They are made to look like statues. Their gazes are rendered frozen. This is a very poor technique which annoys viewers. On some occasions the actors are presented as if they are blind. For instance, Shradha is standing a foot away from Thapki and Thapki has not noticed her. Do the actors suffer from problems linked with their senses, for example, hearing, seeing and feeling. There is an overuse of soliloquies. Soliloquies have their places, but an overuse creates boredom. For this drama to be more effective and efficient, it has to be rewritten with new insight, enthusiasm and immense candidness and above all with believable events. Was Bollywood involved in the making of this serial? 
Image sources : YoutubeImgurColors TV, and Dekh News

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